
Building Profitable & Empowering Communities

Discover how to elevate your impact and profit to new heights 

Welcome to Empowering Communities

Empowering Communities is an online educational company and community that supports entrepreneurs, course providers, corporations and community groups, to build strong, healthy and growing communities, so they can maximize their impact, and create more sustainable and profitable ventures.

I created this company to herald in a new way of operating - one where we don't have to focus only on impact, or only on profit, but where these two goals come together in a space that creates truly beautiful and incredible change - both for our clients, and ourselves.

I want you to realize the potential you truly have to bring your message to the world, and to make money while doing it.

I can't wait to welcome you to the world of Empowering Communities. 

What it means

The Empowering Community Impact

Let's start at the dollar signs. The place where we build a business that creates the life we want. Here's how Empowering Communities can change your business: 

  • Creating the space for the right conversion events - joining our other successful Community Builders, like Erin, who sold $25,000 or Glenda who sold $16,000 on their first conversion events in their communities. 
  • Creating a sustainable model where you can regularly, and reliably convert thousands of dollars in sales each time you run a conversion event. 
  • Creating a community of true support for your programs where you can create an upsell rate of at least 30%, and your clients come back to you over, and over, and over again. 

Communities that Empower

Now let's take a look at your IMPACT. Here's how Empowering Communities can maximize your impact:

  • Creating a space where you can achieve a 95% course completion rate - yes, even for online courses (for reference, the average online course completion rate is between 5 and 15%). You're already brilliant, you just need the platform to let that brilliance shine. A place where your knowledge can maximize the impact it can have.
  • Creating a space where your impact reaches FAR beyond your knowledge. Our Learn Photography communities created lasting change that went well beyond photography skill, with clients finding the courage to start businesses, take their first University courses, move cities, and embrace their true talents and dreams.
  • Creating a space where people come together. Regardless of history, location or economic status, your community can become a place of cohesion, support and understanding. And not just for a limited time, but for a lifetime.

Empowering YOU

The best part? Your community can now become the place for you to experience the joy of creating this business. You're creating a life that is profitable, a business that has impact, but more than that, you're bringing the joy back to your business world. Here's how:

  • Creating a space where you can share your thoughts, knowledge and ideas - yes, even the things that you feel make you a little "extra". 
  • Creating a space where your confidence grows - people will begin coming to you because they have heard from others how powerful your impact is. You will have clients come to you over, and over, and over again, and shower you with praise for changing their lives. 
  • Creating a space where you can effortlessly transition between bringing in new potential clients (leads), and selling them on your products. You've done the work of building know, like and trust, making the sales process more comfortable, and more rewarding.

What we bring to the table

Here at Empowering Communities we are about providing a complete community building package. It's about more than just creating and posting in a space, it's about so, so much more...


Yes, at its core, Empowering Communities is about walking you through the 6 key pillars of community creation. We break down the fundamentals of getting your community set up, and running it in a way that provides your business with the structure you need to maximize your profit and income for the long term. 


Empowering Communities goes beyond just community. Community is not useful unless it provides the structure and support your business needs. As part of our programs, you will also learn the ins and outs of lead generation, sales, conversion events, cultivation, and more. Your community exists to support your business - and understanding each part of the business maximizes the impact your community can (and should!) have.


Having a profitable and empowering community is great. But it is also a) impossible to create and b) useless if you don't also have the knowledge of how to impart your gifts in a way that is meaningful to your clients. Enter the need for teaching excellence. A key part of our programs is walking you through the key elements of teaching so that you can deliver your expertise with maximum effect. Teaching is an art form in and of itself. Let us show you how to make this part of your world a HUGE success.

Why Jana

Hi! I'm Jana,

My name is Jana Rohen, and I have spent the past 20 years teaching a variety of technical and creative subjects from music to mathematics, statistics to photography, in the process, building and selling a very successful in person and online business.

And through this process I have discovered that at ALL stages, my students have had the best success, and hence my business has had the best success, when I have built, sustained and grown empowering and profitable communities.

My next journey is all about taking this knowledge and teaching YOU how to build, sustain and grow your very own empowering and profitable community.

So if you’re looking to:

  • get more sales and upsells
  • have better course completion rates; and
  • maximize your impact

you’re in the right place, my friend...

Success cannot happen in a void -and that goes for you as much as your clients. So let’s get in there, and get building this together.

Now it's your turn...

Here at Empowering Communities we believe EVERYONE has the potential to change the world through Community. We're looking for YOU, yes you, to remember the reason you started on your journey, and take the leap to discover all that you are truly capable of. 

Get started with our next FREE Event. Our COMMUNITY BOOST: 3 DAY MINI-COURSE kicks off on November 28th, and you do NOT want to miss it. 

3 Reasons to Say YES to Our Empowering Community Programs

1. You want more

You're tired of your business. Maybe it's not making you great money, maybe the fun has gone, maybe you're feeling like you're not truly making the impact on the world that you intended. It's time to bring back the joy, the profit, and the impact - and truly create a business that fulfills your dreams. 


You KNOW that having a Community is the right thing to do, but you just honestly can't seem to get the traction you need to make it a success. Add to this that you're feeling unmotivated, and building your Community just feels like a burden. You need someone to help you on your way.

3. You're ready to invest in your future

You want a business that LASTS. Community is the way to get you there. You will use your Community to fill your leads, to cultivate your audience AND to sell - both your first products and your upsells. Community is the way to help your clients truly absorb the amazing knowledge and gifts you are giving them. 

How Do I Get Started?

01 Grab the Free Guide

So you have a Community, but you're not entirely sure it's doing what it's meant to do... Grab our FREE: COMMUNITY TEMPERATURE CHECK Guide. This 30+ page download will help you figure out where your Community is at, and how to get it to where you want it to be.

02 Join our Free Mini-Course

Once you've got your Guide, and have a pretty good idea of where you're at (and where you want to go!), join our Free, 3 Day Community Boost Mini-Course! In just 20 minutes a day you will learn how to Engage, Motivate & Drive Impact within your Community. 

03 Join the Community Kick-Starter One Day Program

It's one packed full day of Community-Kick-Starting-Awesomeness. During this day you will learn the 6 Steps to building your most profitable & empowering community, and be joined by a couple of key guest speakers. 

04 Make your Community Dreams Reality

Now you're ready to truly get started. Join our 12 Week Building Profitable & Empowering Communities Program. This 12 week program will help you start, refine, build, sustain and grow your best Community. We build it together, and create a plan for you to execute over the next 12 months.


Get in Touch!

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